Need some information?
All operations (sales, check-in, boarding, luggage, etc.) for all companies operating at La Rochelle – Ile de Ré Airport are handled by the Aviapartner stopover assistant.
Aviapartner has an Information and Sales counter located in the public hall of the terminal.
For any information on flights departing from La Rochelle, telephone reception (0892 23 01 03 – €0.40/call + price of the call) and reception at the counter are only provided during flight times and subject to the operational availability of agents.
The flight times for the day and the following day are available on our website, on the “Flights in real time” page and the agents are present approximately 2 hours before each flight.
Thank you for your understanding.

Items found
For any questions relating to lost property, you can inquire at the Information and Sales desk or call 0 892 23 01 03 (service € 0.40 / call + call price) on the time slots indicated above
Ticket sales
From the end of October to the end of March, it is possible to buy Ryanair tickets at the counter (warning: administration fee applies).
From the end of March to the end of October, ticket sales are operational for Ryanair and Easyjet flights.
All year round and for other airlines, please visit the airline’s website to purchase your tickets.